Stranger Things — Random Tea Podcasts

S3E8 - Ch. 8: The Battle of Starcourt


That’s it for season 3! We can’t wait for the next season . See you there!

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S3E8- The Battle of Starcourt
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E7 - Ch. 7: The Bite


Welcome to the Queer Awakening!!

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S3E7- The Bite
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E6 - Ch. 6: E Pluribus Unum


Things are getting GOOPY!

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S3E6- E Pluribus Unum
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E5 - Ch. 5: The Flayed


It’s all coming together! Sort of…

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S3E5- The Flayed
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E4 - Ch. 4: The Sauna Test


Billy and the Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad, No Good Day.

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S3E4- The Sauna Test
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E3 - Ch. 3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard


Nancy Drew and the Case of the Malfunctioning Magnets.

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S3E3- The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E2 - Ch. 2: The Malls Rats


A little less teen angst and a little more strange things.

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S3E2- The Mall Rats
Random Tea Podcasts

S3E1 - Ch. 1: Suzie, Do You Copy


Welp, the teenage angst is strong in this one.

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S3E1- Suzie, Do You Copy?
Random Tea Podcasts

Season 3 - Preview


HYPE HYPE HYPE! Season 3 is here! We will be recording one episode per week so please send feedback labeled accordingly so we don’t accidentally spoil anything!

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Season 3 Preview
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E9 - Ch. 9: The Gate & S2 Wrap UP

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And that's a wrap on Season 2! Included in this cast is the episode 9 recap, the rest of your feedback, and a special guest!

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S2E9- The Gate
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E8 - Ch. 8: The Mind Flayer

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Just in case we didn't have enough D&D references, the Duffer Brothers bring in more. Also we finally got the whole band back together.

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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S2E8- The Mind Flayer
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E7 - Ch. 7: The Lost Sister

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In which we get the Eleven stand-alone episode that TOTALLY doesn't derail the entire story...much.

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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S2E7- The Lost Sister
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E6 - Ch. 6: The Spy

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In which Steve adopts Dustin.

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S2E6- The Spy
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E5 - Ch 5: Dig Dug

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Hopper forgot the Random Tea Podcast Rule #1. Never, ever split up.

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S2E5- Dig Dug
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E4 - CH 4: Will the Wise

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Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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S2E4- Will the Wise
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E3 - Ch 3: The Pollywog

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Dustin, what are you doing Dustin. We trusted you, DUSTIN!!

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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S2E3- The Pollywog
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E2 - Ch 2: Trick or Treat, Freak

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In which Lucas' little sister, Erica, steals the show! 

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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S2E2- Trick or Treat, Freak
Random Tea Podcasts

S2E1 - Ch 1: MADMAX

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The boys are back in town!!

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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Random Tea Podcasts

Season 2 Preview

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Season Two preview and Hogwarts House sorting!!

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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Season 2 Preview & Hogwarts Sorting
Random Tea Podcasts

S1E8 - Ch 8: The Upside Down

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We wrap up Season One and get ready for Season Two. Season Two preview and Hogwarts House sorting moved to another episode. It's just too much material!!

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

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S1E8- The Upside Down
Random Tea Podcasts