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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)


Such a better movie than Dark World! It was surprisingly hilarious enough to help us overlook it's flaws and plot holes. We got a ton of feed back and we love it. #teamValkyrie

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they think about Thor: RagnarokNow sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

WARNING: There are possible spoilers in the cast and below for all released MCU movies as of November 2017!!

James Gunn 11 spoilers, Nerdist article.

The comics we reference are:

  1. Ragnarok - Thor #80 - 85 (2004)

  2. Death of Odin, Thor became Lord of Asgard - Thor #41 - 43 (2002)

  3. Surtur - Journey into Mystery #97 & 99  and Thor #176 - 177

  4. Asgard destroyed - Thor #84-85 (2004)

  5. Lady Loki - Thor Vol 3 #5 (2008)

  6. Hela - Journey into Mystery #102 (1964)

  7. Hela attacks Asgard - Thor #275 - 278 (1978)

  8. Grandmaster - Avengers #69 (1969)

  9. 616 Valkyrie - Defenders #4 (1973)

  10. Brunnhilde is bisexual - Fearless Defenders Vol 1 (2013)

  11. Skurge - Journey into Mystery #103 (1964)

  12. Skurge death - Thor #362 (1985)

  13. Planet Hulk - The Incredible Hulk #92 - 105 (2006-7)

  14. Korg & Miek - The Incredible Hulk #92-93 (2006)++

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com
Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

Thor (2011)

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they think about the forth movie of Marvel's Cinematic Universe phase one set, THOR. Now sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

WARNING: There are possible spoilers in the cast and below for all released MCU movies as of Januray 9th, 2016!!

The comics we reference are:

  • Journey into Mystery #83-85 (1962)
  • Avengers #1 (1963)
  • Journey into Mystery #102 (1964)
  • Journey into Mystery #112-113 #115 (1965)
  • Journey into Mystery #119 (1966)
  • Thor #159 (1968)
  • Thor Annual #11 (1983)
  • Thor #10 (2008)

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com
Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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