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Luke Cage Season 1 (2016)


Luke Cage is here to kick ass and drink coffee. This series was a relief after watching DDS2. Although the series COULD have been called Claire Is Sick Of Your Hero Bullshit.

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

WARNING: There are possible spoilers in the cast and below for all released MCU movies as of Summer 2017!!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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Daredevil Season 2 (2016)

Find out what we thought about season 2 of Daredevil. We will be following this up with season 1 of Luke Cage soon(TM). Send your feedback in now!

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

WARNING: There are possible spoilers in the cast and below for all released MCU movies as of June 2017!!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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Jessica Jones Season 1 (2015)

The pseudo-sequel to Daredevil is here! Jessica Jones kicks some serious ass and takes names. I also understand she's out of chewing gum. Our favorite Netflix Marvel series so far!

We are featuring a new sponsor this week in honor of Jessica's PTSD! Feel like you need to fight the Patriarch? You can now order your cat or dog a penis shaped toy!

WARNING: There are possible spoilers in the cast and below for all released MCU movies as of July 2017!!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

Daredevil Season 1 (2015)

You asked for it and here it is! In this cast we discuss the entire season 1 of the Netflix Original series Daredevil. Who is he? Where did he come from? Where did he go?

We will be following this up with season 1 of Jessica Jones soon(TM). Send your feedback in now!

Sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

WARNING: There are possible spoilers in the cast and below for all released MCU movies as of June 2017!!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!