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S4E8-Stop Hitting Yourself


We all knew Jim would rise through the ranks. But not like this, never like this. Also, when did Sofia join the 'Jim is terrible' club?

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S3E5-Anything For You

Now THIS is a party! In this episode we learn that Ed will do anything for Oswald including, but not limited to, confusing the hell out of him.

Now sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

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S3E1-Better to Reign in Hell...

Season 3 is kicking off fast and hard. Maybe just a little too fast and hard. However, everyone agrees that Jim is a terrible bounty hunter. 

Now sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on your podcast streaming method of choice. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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S2E17-Into The Woods

Over the river and through the woods to Kristen's body we go. 

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the seventeenth episode of season two for Gotham. Now sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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S2E15-Mad Grey Dawn

This episode was a real hoot. Penguin just wants to give everyone a hug.

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the fifteenth episode of season two for Gotham. Now sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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S2E12-Mr. Freeze

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Is it cold in here or is it just him? Oh wait, he's hot! We really didn't realize how much we missed this show.

Spoiler Link

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the twelfth episode and mid-season premier of season two for Gotham. Now sponsored by Unofficial Natural Fandom Fragrances! Use code RANDOMTEAPODCAST to get 10% off an order of $5 or more!

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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S1E22 All Happy Families Are Alike

In which our favorite characters play ring-around-the-rosy and Penguin is the King of Gotham because he says so, a lot.

Stay tuned for our upcoming Season 2 preview cast coming soon!

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the season finale episode of season one for Gotham. Please note this was recorded after season one had aired. We did our best not to spoil other episodes. If we made a slip we beg your forgiveness.

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

S1E12 What The Little Bird Told Him

We already knew Penguin kills for sandwiches and new clothes. Now he's out for bigger Fish.

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the twelfth episode of season one for Gotham. Please note this was recorded after season one had aired. We did our best not to spoil other episodes. If we made a slip we beg your forgiveness.

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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S1E7 Penguin's Umbrella

In this episode we see all of Penguin's chickens lining up in a row.

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the seventh episode of season one for Gotham. Please note this was recorded after season one had aired. We did our best not to spoil other episodes. If we made a slip we beg your forgiveness.

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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