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S1E22 All Happy Families Are Alike

In which our favorite characters play ring-around-the-rosy and Penguin is the King of Gotham because he says so, a lot.

Stay tuned for our upcoming Season 2 preview cast coming soon!

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the season finale episode of season one for Gotham. Please note this was recorded after season one had aired. We did our best not to spoil other episodes. If we made a slip we beg your forgiveness.

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

S1E1 Pilot

He's not the night, not yet. In this series we meet Jim Gordon, watch the decline of Gotham, and the rise of Batman. 

Queenie and Jahnya discuss what they thought about the first episode of season one for Gotham. Please note this was recorded after season one had aired. We did our best not to spoil other episodes. If we made a slip we beg your forgiveness.

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Write to us at RandomTeaPodcasts@gmail.com

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review on iTunes, PocketCasts, and/or Stitcher. Don’t forget to check out our other Podcasts!!

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